They have double the health of a Cacodemon, as well as fire missiles twice the speed of a Cacodemon. Information: Cacodemons who have had their skin turned permanently orange from hundreds of years of being near the orange flames in the center of Hell itself, these abominations are more than your average Cacodemon.These beasts have twice the health of a normal demon. Information: A monster that feeds on the flesh of fallen demons to acquire its great strength.They have triple the health of a hell knight, have a triple attack, and fire missiles twice the speed of a Hell Knight, or Baron. Information: The most powerful of the demon nobles.Abaddon have triple the health of a Cacodemon, have a double attack, and spew fireballs that are twice as fast and twice as damaging, compared to those of a normal Cacodemon as well as having red blood instead of blue blood. Information: The ashen skin of the sinister Abaddon is but a subtle reminder that these nightmares come from the deepest reaches of Hell, where the fires are the most intense, charring the skin of those who reside there.